2015 - Lerentech Solutions
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New Restaurant and New Website – The Evergreen

I've partnered with good friends Michael Swatt, Michael Barletta and Courtney Rile (the latter two of Daylight Blue Media) to open a fantastic new restaurant and craft beer pub in historic Hanover Square, downtown Syracuse, called The Evergreen. And Lerentech launched a new website...

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What is Google up to?

I always try to keep up with technology trends and news - and anything Google - as well as marketing and design. Social media is a great way to do that by following high quality news and blogs sites specific to your interests. So...

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New Office in Rochester, NY

Lerentech has opened an office in Rochester, NY to better serve clients there and spend more time in Western New York. We've also joined the IMS Barter group with hundreds of participating businesses in Rochester and Syracuse. We'll be attending their March 11th IMS...

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